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The Katie Perry Weekend – A poltergeist keeps its promise

The Katie Perry Weekend – as it is rightfully named is me recounting the events that unfolded one weekend in the Spring of 2014.  What I now say was the longest 72 hours of my life.  Meaning that weekend more than any other weekend was the deadliest weekend of my life.   2014 was the year the poltergeist came back with a vengeance. April 2014 would be in my opinion the first time a poltergeist communicated via streaming service the horrors it was going to carry out.  Those familiar with the Bell Witch poltergeist story know the spirit announced its departure from the home to the occupants in the home in advance only to return on the exact day seven years later.  What I’m about to share with you supports the argument by some in the paranormal community who believe poltergeist-related hauntings are the works of an entity, not psychokinesis or RSPK – Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis as t is often coined.  To appreciate the story I’m about to tell about this particular weekend in April 2014 I need to first list the paranormal activity Tina and I’ve witnessed up until now – small objects were thrown, loud bangs, phantom footsteps, kid ‘cough,’ tapping sounds, equipment malfunction, lights turning off/on and on/off by themselves, objects levitating, door slams, feeling of being watched, rappings, kitchen cabinet doors inexplicably opened, missing items e.g., a missing bible.   The most dangerous thing to happen so far was the throwing of a giant wooden armoire in the middle of the night– that was just a few days ago.   All these things I just mentioned are explained in detail in my book The Bothell Hell House – Poltergeist of Washington State.  

If this is a poltergeist, then the question is: how do you get rid of it? That’s what I was trying to find out. I was reading various paranormal websites on the internet that Friday night. How do you get rid of a poltergeist?  That’s where my brain was when, suddenly, the TV in our master bedroom switched on. Now, wait a minute. Tina’s downstairs. Why is the TV suddenly coming on in the bedroom? I got up from my chair and walked out of my upstairs office and into our bedroom and saw that the TV was on. It was on the music channel. No sign of Tina whatsoever.  Here she comes. I was looking at the TV with the remote control in my hand, trying to turn the volume down when Tina enters the room. I told Tina the TV just came on by itself. She looked at me and says, “Oh—I thought that was you.” I told her, no, it’s not me; I was in my office; why would I be blasting loud music from our bedroom? Tina looked at the TV dismissively and said, “that’s different.” I then switched the TV channel to a regular programming channel and turned it off. Tina went downstairs. I went back to my office. Five minutes later the TV switched on again. Loud music as before. I darted out of my office and headed back into the master bedroom, and sure enough, it was on again. Now, I turned the TV off five minutes ago. Not only is it on again, but it’s playing the same song – the same music station as before. Tina comes back upstairs and looks at me. The TVs on, and it’s on this music channel that neither Tina nor myself ever use. Why is the TV on the music channel? Why is the same song playing? I suddenly realized something. Tina and I are being haunted.  What does that mean?  It means right here. Right now, the poltergeist has decided to engage us.  Up until now, it’s been observing us. It knows Tina’s downstairs. It knows I’m in my office.  It knows I’m searching online for answers on how to get rid of it.   At this very moment, it wants to raise the fear level in the house. It wants to get our attention.  It succeeded.  I looked at Tina, and she looked at me. I said: this is the same song that was playing five minutes ago. Tina said, “What the fuck?” I said, this is a music channel; songs don’t play in repeat mode. We should be hearing a different song by now. And that’s when the light bulb went off inside my head—what’s the name of the song that’s playing? The name of the song is “Dark Horse” by Katie Perry. Now, this is where it gets weird and dark. The part of the song that we heard, over and over is the part of the song that asked the question — “So, you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you’re falling’ for. Baby, do you dare to do this? ‘Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse.  Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm?  ‘Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine (There’s no going back). Mark my words. This love will make you levitate. Like a bird, like a bird without a cage. But down to earth If you choose to walk away, don’t walk away. It’s in the palm of your hand now, baby It’s a yes or a no, no maybe. So just be sure before you give it all to me. All to me, give it all to me. So, you wanna play with magic? Boy, you should know what you’re falling’ for. Baby, do you dare to do this? ‘Cause I’m coming at you like a dark horse are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm……”   The lyrics Tina and I are hearing and the paranormal events that are about to unfold starting tomorrow are too uncanny to ignore.   Mind you, Tina and I are hearing the entire song. The verses above are playing through our TV as we enter our bedroom. You have got to be kidding me? How is a spirit able to do this? I turned off the TV again with the remote control I was holding and decided to go one step further by unplugging it entirely. There. All done. The television is unplugged from the wall. That should settle it right? Nope.  The TV came on again five minutes later. I was in my office, googling ‘Katie Perry’ with hopes of finding that song. I found the lyrics, and I found the music video for it. I was a few minutes into my search when the TV came on again.  Came on with no plug; no cord sticking in the outlet whatsoever. The same Katie Perry song was playing. When it comes on it’s always on that verse—the verse that asked the question “…are you ready for a perfect storm, a perfect storm.”  Then the rest of the songs plays. Instead of turning the TV off, we decided to leave it on. But not on the music channel. I think I put it on an R&B channel, which for no apparent reason seemed to work.  Only now, as I write this, does the question hit me: I wonder what song other Comcast customers are hearing right now? Those whose TV was tuned to this channel at the same time Tina, and I were hearing “Dark Horse?”  Both music channel and the song coming from the TV are real.  Katie Perry’s “Dark Horse” has been playing in our house for the last fifteen minutes.  I wish I could go back in time (back to that day) and run to one of our other TVs. I wish I could go put those TVs on the same channel the master bedroom TV was on when it was playing “Dark Horse.” Would “Dark Horse” be playing on those TVs? I doubt it.

Tina and I call that weekend The Katie Perry Weekend not necessarily for the song that played but for the events that followed.  These lyrics which we heard three times, I believe were a precursor to everything we experienced in the Bothell house. Keep in mind; it’s Friday. The weekend is just getting started.  Everything this case is known for happened after that Friday.  The Bible that went missing in 2012, missing for almost a year and a half just returned a few days ago outside our master bedroom doorway. In the middle of the night – while Tina and I were sleeping.  On Fire!  Which by itself speaks to premeditation and intelligence. Tina and I found two bibles incinerated and burned a few days after that.  Larger objects started being thrown.  The loud bangs became more frequent as did the malfunction of household appliances.  More objects went missing.  Louder phantom footsteps, strange voices, stench smell, wall writings (which included several incidents where the words ‘Die KL’ was written), water puddles, more apparition sightings, attacks on Tina, attacks on Tina’s friend, attacks on my friends, attacks on me, battery drainage, raining dimes, scratches on Tina, lights going of/on and on/off by themselves, power outages, phantom text messages, phantom tweets, phantom emails, car alarm malfunctions, shadowy figures, spontaneous fires.   The three most horrific events I can remember happening in the Bothell house began Saturday night (the day after the Katie Perry incident) 1.) Tina was alone in the house and was attacked.  2.) I was home and was attacked (poster fire incident),  3.)  The clothes I was wearing inexplicably caught fire. 

“I’m coming at you like a dark horse.  Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm?”  Why did the poltergeist use the song “Dark Horse?”  What does dark horse mean?  According to definitions online, “a dark horse is a previously lesser-known person or thing that emerges to prominence in a situation, especially in a competition involving multiple rivals, or a contestant that on paper should be unlikely to succeed but yet still might.”   There are three forces of nature living in the Bothell house – Keith, Tina, and the poltergeists. Three rivals essentially.  Webster’s dictionary says, ‘if you describe someone as a dark horse, you mean that people know very little about them, although they may have recently had success or may be about to have success.’  Wiki goes further by saying a dark horse is ‘someone who possesses talents or favorable characteristics that are not known or expected by others.  The poltergeist haunting us describes itself as a dark horse.  “I’m coming at you like a dark horse.  Are you ready for, ready for a perfect storm, perfect storm?”  It knows Tina and I know little about it.  More so it’s talents.  Us and the world for that matter.  The poltergeist may have recently had success.  We know from my talking to Rhonda (the previous tenant) that the poltergeist did have success.   Now it’s after Keith and Tina.   1817’s Bell Witch poltergeist known as Kate with the ability to speak told the family it was going to leave and return in seven years. It did return.   I don’t think there’s another documented case where the poltergeist through the use of modern technology, in this case, a cable music streaming service in a way telegraphed what was about to happen.  I don’t think the paranormal community has come to terms with what I’m saying.  The spirit took control of a network system and in doing so was able to three times partition a song to a specific verse – play that verse and the remaining lyrics of the song twice with the television on and once with the television off.  I leave it up to the reader to decide which act was more incredible. 


Shadowy Figures – Microsoft vs the Poltergeist

SHADOWY FIGURES / SHADOWY PERSON. Spring 2013 – I was sitting on my couch watching TV. A female shadow emerged. A silhouette of a woman walking sideways. This silhouette moved from the direction of the chimney to behind the entertainment center. The way it moved made me feel as if someone was behind me – in the kitchen. Tina was not in the kitchen I could hear her upstairs. I spun around while asking myself did Tina come downstairs. Did I not see her? The answer to my question was no. I turn around and see no one there. I turned back towards the television. The shadow of a woman casually walking was gone. Later that summer when Microsoft was at my house to observe me playing with their prototype Xbox Kinect system. The engineers in my home picked up and saw strange formations on the living room TV screen when it was in Xbox mode. There I was, sitting on the couch, six Microsoft technicians observing me play, all holding clipboards, microphones, video cameras, and other remote monitoring equipment. Strange images. Dark anomalies suddenly appeared that none of them could explain. One of them even said, “That’s not supposed to be there. Everyone take a ten-minute break. We got to get this defect sorted out.” These shadowy blobs were not stationary. They moved in a weird way. The closest thing I can compare it to is the movement of hot wax inside a lava lamp. In the spectrum of light, the Xbox Kinect was using, you could see them clearly. Hanging and dangling on the kitchen ceiling—behind all of us. Not with our naked eyes. Only through the television screen, which was projecting in Xbox mode in the infrared spectrum of living of my living room and kitchen area could we see them. The Microsoft team was very bothered about what was happening. They couldn’t explain it. Headquarters couldn’t explain it. Summer 2014 – I never imagined I would see shadowy figures that begin out of the corner of my eye—figures with heads, arms, and legs. But I did. One night I was in my upstairs office watching television, and suddenly, I saw movement coming from the dimly lit hallway. I was ignoring it for quite some time at first until I couldn’t anymore. There was a snapping sound, the sound resembled a wooden ruler or pencil breaking. I turned towards the vicinity of where I thought the noise originated. I kid you not. There standing in the doorway of my upstairs office was this shadow-like figure. I saw it walk from left to right in my doorway -disappearing the second it reached the guest bedroom -the room to the right of me. Never sure of what I’m seeing, I got up immediately and walked towards my doorway -towards the guest bedroom. Nothing was there. It’s weird how they introduce themselves to you at first. Always one at first. It wasn’t long before I began seeing multiple shadowy figures outside my doorway. No less than three at a time.

something walked by a few seconds before this picture was taken

The poltergeist that traveled to a funeral by Keith Linder (True Story)

If you have been following my case from start to finish, or I should say from start to now, you know I am still being haunted – albeit to a lesser degree.  By haunted, I mean both unexplained and explained events IMO are paranormal in nature. In some instances, supernatural. Many of these events are listed in my second book, Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two, and rightfully so. These events, in their totality, fall into the category of spiritual attachments. What is a spiritual attachment? A spirit attachment IMO is an “intelligent” disembodied spirit, e.g., human, entity, or another life form, “that has attached itself to a living person’s energy field, aka aura.”     The explained and unexplained events I’ve experienced since moving out of the Bothell house (May 8th, 2016) include apport – asport of objects in the present home and other locations, e.g., a bible appearing in the middle of a public sidewalk, water puddles, dripping water from a dry ceiling, mattress indentations, exploding wine glass, spontaneous fire, exploding cocktail glass at a jazz concert(witness present), shadowy figure darting across the floor(witness present), loud bangs, equipment malfunction, battery drainage, TV changing by itself at my mom’s house(explained below), phantom doorbell ring(friend’s house)., exploding wine bottles, apparition sightings of myself(reported by friends of mine)., ethereal visits at night while sleeping that fit the modern definition of succubus, e.g.,  beautiful women, insect looking, beast looking.  These are just a small snippet of the events (activities) I have experienced after moving out of the Bothell house. All these events I have just mentioned in their entirety could be their own book. The paranormal community as-a-whole IMO has done a poor job analyzing these claims of mine – with the hopes of getting a better understanding of the phenomena we regard as poltergeists. I say poltergeist because that is when all this started. We are ten years from the events of the Bothell house, and I am still haunted. Six years after, I moved out of the Bothell house entirely. I have said this in my previous books, and I reiterate it now. I do not go about my everyday life looking over my shoulder. PTSD from my experience aside, I do not live my life walking on eggshells. My life right now, for all practical purposes, is fun, full of love, full of accomplishments, in short, rewarding. Which makes what I am about to share with you more shocking. You would think with everything I witnessed and experienced so far that, nothing could shock me. I wish I could tell you that nothing shocks me anymore. But I would be lying. I am still shocked. The event I am about to share with you begins on a somber note.

In late September 2022, my mom was admitted to the hospital after two incidents of falling at home.  She was diagnosed with stenosis (in the neck) and was advised to have surgery (or risk repeated falls). My mom was 76 years old – elderly but not frail. She could maneuver fine. She was on blood thinners (had been for quite some time). My mom tested positive for COVID while in the hospital and therefore could not have the recommended surgery – to mitigate her stenosis.  My mom was adamant as most moms are about returning home. She was taking off blood thinners as a precaution (doctor’s advice) and was sent home – admonished to rest, begin physical therapy (at home), and complete her battle with COVID. Her mood the several times I talked to her was positive. October 3rd, 2022 – my mom passed away (early morning hours while getting ready for prayer service with her church members via Zoom).  My second cousin found my mom on the floor, lying on her back near the bathroom sink area in her bedroom. EMT said she died earlier that morning. The autopsy report we received late Monday concluded my mom died due to COVID. An embolism in both heart and lung was found, and the coroner’s report officially links the embolism to COVID. It is the family’s opinion that my mom should not have been taken off her blood thinners.    But it is just one of those medical catch 22’s.  Falling as much as she was in recent weeks while on blood thinners could have had equal consequences. I guess the most tragic thing for me about all of this is my mom caught COVID while in the hospital. Never had before in the last 3 years COVIDS been around. My mom was my rock. My touchstone. All my accomplishments in life can be traced back to her and my dad. I talked to my mom Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and saw her mid-May this year for both my niece and nephew’s college graduation. We had a great Mother’s Day dinner. Why am I sharing this intimate detail? I want the reader to understand the grief my family and I are experiencing prior to the paranormal events I am about share. Some of you reading this have lost loved ones to COVID. You know the level of grief I’m talking about; we have all lost loved ones throughout life. But COVID is different – parents especially. COVID-related deaths encompass the term “death was unexpected.”  Meaning had there been no COVID in the world, my mom would be alive today.

I arrived at my mom’s house in The Woodlands, TX, on October 13th from Seattle, WA, feeling somber – possessing a high sense of anxiety. I stepped into the living room thinking to myself my mom is gone, she is gone, and she is never coming back.  I make my way into the kitchen, sitting my backpack and suitcase near the kitchen table, and that is when I see it. There on the kitchen counter are several piles of photos – family photos. I talked to my sister prior to arriving – she told me she needed photos of our mother for the obituary. No doubt these are the pictures she left behind. I make my way to the photos and begin combing through them. These photos here are of all of us. Myself, my younger sister, my twin brother, my younger brother, my cousins, my mom’s family (my aunts and uncles), my dad, my niece and nephews, and the cousins I grew up with. Dozens and dozens of photos in neat piles. One photo (in a picture frame) catches my eye – I immediately recognize it. Talk about a gut punch to the heart. The picture I am holding in my hand is a picture I drew years ago after my dad died when my mom and I both were living in Memphis, TN. I gave it to my mom as a Mother’s Day gift. I stare at the picture for a while, thinking should I take this picture home with me? My eyes fill up with tears, my lips quivering and the sound of my nephew (who lived with my mom) coming down the staircase helped make my decision for me. I place the picture frame back on the kitchen counter face down and walk away – the pain I am feeling tells me you do not want the picture. So, I leave it.

Fast Forward – October 15th, Saturday night, we have all made it back to my mom’s house after the funeral services at the church she attended (Conroe, TX). Everyone is spent mentally and physically and thus starts the process of going to bed. Before I share with you what happens, understand family members, friends of my mom, people she went to church with, the minister, and his wife have all made visits to the house. People have come to pay their respects, drop off food, etc. Relatives from all over have trekked here to say their goodbyes to my mom. Another reason why I and my niece and nephew, with whom I am staying with at my mom’s house, are exhausted. I begin doing laundry, thinking I need to start preparing for my trip back to Seattle. I grab my suitcase from the corner of the living room NOTE: I had brought it downstairs earlier that day and zipped it open, and there it is! The picture I drew of the Pacific Northwest Ocean and seashore and framed – given to my mom as a Mother’s Day gift when she and I were living in Memphis. I am talking about the picture frame that was sitting in the kitchen on the counter (the day I arrived). When it comes to the events experienced in the Bothell house and the events that happened afterward, my reaction is always the same 1.) disbelief 2.) shock in awe 3.) frozen stare 4.) WTF 5.) acceptance 6.) appreciation. Appreciation meaning regardless of the activity. Be it malevolent in nature or benevolent in some instances, the phenomena I am witnessing or in the past witnessed – very few people on this planet experience that.

I backed away slowly from my suitcase, feeling tormented and confused. I did not come to Texas to think about the Bothell house. I came here to bury my mom. To confirm, this picture was, in fact, the one I saw on the kitchen counter, the one I gave to my mom years ago I picked it up. Sure, enough, it was. Who could I tell? Everyone has gone to bed. Going back to what I wrote in my first book, The Bothell Hell House. My family’s response to the events Tina and I experienced in the Bothell house has always been tepid. In accordance with the black community’s view of the paranormal, which is ‘don’t talk about it.’   With that in mind, I thought, now is the time to go to bed. And I did. A lot of weird things prior to this event – more about that later.

Picture as it was in my suitcase

 Picture found in my suitcase – Mom’s house

That morning – I remember lying on my back on the living couch, half asleep, when I heard coming from upstairs, “Uncle Keith, did you put a photo in my suitcase?”  I immediately thought to myself that it is time to talk about this. I leaped from the couch – my eyes now wide open. I screamed to my twenty-five-year-old nephew to come here immediately. Time to compare notes. My nephew comes downstairs holding a picture of himself and his sister when they were young. He asked me again if I put the picture in his suitcase. I told him I did not and, in doing so, told him that I had just had a similar experience. I re-opened my suitcase and pulled out the large picture frame for him to see.   My nephew is of this younger generation and therefore has a different mindset about the paranormal than his parents. He was intrigued. He wanted to know ‘what does this mean? Is this what I experienced in the Bothell house my reply to him was yes. To a lesser degree, this is some of what we experienced in the Bothell house. The apporting or asporting of objects (of significant family value) is part of a poltergeist repertoire. At this time, my other nieces and nephews came downstairs and began huddling around the suitcase, each one asking me, ‘when is their grandma, my mom going to reach out to them?’  My response to them was I do not know. Spirits interact with different people differently. I told them it is possible she’s interacted with you already, and you just did not notice. That was not true. Spirits are experts at getting your attention. The nickname I have entities is the name Captain Obvious.  My niece and nephews walked away from my suitcase believing that my mom, their grandmother was behind all of this. I did not have the heart to convince them otherwise. No sense in incurring the wrath of their parents, which is what would happen if I went down this avenue of talking about the paranormal. I cannot risk one of my siblings accusing me of making this trip about me which is what they would do if I started talking about ‘ghost stuff.’  My twenty-five-year-old nephew has his own story to tell now. He cannot deny what happened. Therefore, he must accept it and come up with his own interpretation. Whoever put that picture of my nephew and his younger sister in his suitcase upstairs is not through with him – There not through with both of us.

Two similar instances happening at different parts of the house involving two individuals that’s astounding.  Could this have been a prank by another family member? You haven’t been paying attention. The picture I drew and gave to my mom I gave before my niece and nephews were born – the exception being my nephew upstairs. We’re all grief-stricken. No one’s rummaging through their relative’s luggage, placing pictures. Combine that with the house being empty (all of us were attending mom’s funeral and church services). Who would have the time and inkling to do this?   To accuse any of my family members of a prank is an insult.

One of the things I learned from my ordeal at the Bothell house is things happen in threes.  My mom’s house, with all of us here, is no exception.  A weird thing happened yesterday. It is traditional after funeral services that everyone meets up at the house of the grieving family – that would be my mom’s house.  Later yesterday evening, in the middle of everyone lollygagging – something lured my eyes toward the television. I noticed immediately that the television channels were changing by themselves. I circled the room with my eyes, hoping someone else would notice. No one did. Interesting how my line of sight was facing directly toward the television. I walked towards the living room from the kitchen, hoping to find one of the children playing with the TV remote control.  They were not. I circled the room again, looking for the TV remote control – hoping someone might be sitting or standing on it. No one was. I found it. The television remote was resting comfortably above the chimney. That is the 1st activity. The 2nd activity, or 3rd activity depending on how you look at it, was last night – early this morning.   I was the last person to go to bed last night. I know I turned off all the lights downstairs prior to me sleeping on the couch.  3AM – I was awakened by a white glare. Turning toward the direction of the glare was the kitchen light.  It was on.  I’m the only one downstairs.  No movement coming from the kitchen or elsewhere for that matter – everyone is asleep.  I found that odd. Odder than the TV channels changing by themselves. The only thing I could do was get off the couch, stumble my half-sleep self to the kitchen and turn the light off. Those three things 1.) TV channels changing by themselves 2.) light turned by itself in the kitchen in the middle of the night 3.) My nephew and I finding a picture in our suitcase – mine was a gift from me to my mom back in 2002:2003.  But there is more.

October 16th – I unzipped my suitcase again (mom’s living room) and discovered another item – a SuzziPad Knee Ice Pack.  I know this item.  I bought this item for my mom back in May due to her complaining about swelling in her left foot.  I hand-delivered it to her when I visited her Mother’s Day weekend.  It’s sitting on top of my clothes in the zip lock bag it came in.   It is impossible to not get emotional at this very moment.  It’s important that I say this. Everything that has happened in this house (that I just mentioned) should not be considered a malevolent event.   Do I have spirits attached to me? Yes, that in all sense and purpose has been rendered academic.  Both by the events of today and what I explained in my second book, Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two.   I feel comfortable saying some of the entities attached to me are malevolent, and some are benevolent.  Back in May 2002, when I was here visiting, my mom admonished me about turning off all the lights downstairs.   She told me she always keeps the kitchen light on.   The spirits were here then – they heard that conversation. It was not my mom that turned on the kitchen light the previous night while I was asleep it was them.  Like I said in my previous books, the spirits are always listening. They always observe.  Did malevolent spirits accompany me on this trip? YES!   The first night I slept downstairs on the couch, the same night the kitchen light came on by itself, I saw them. Shadowy figures. Lots of shadowy figures – the most I have ever seen.  Where were they?  On the upstairs landing.  There I was, lying on my back on the couch, glancing at the ceiling.  I could not sleep.  For the record, I am not thinking about the paranormal. Far from it.  I’m thinking about the memories I have of this house. The memories I had with my mom. I am grieving about the way she died. I am suddenly distracted.  My eyes point to the upstairs landing area. All I could see for a considerable amount of time were the shadowy figures going from left to right, right to left, on the upstairs landing area. If I had to guess what they were doing, I would say they were rummaging through everything they could get their hands on.   I have never seen that many shadowy figures in one location before.  Not even in the Bothell house. If they arrived here through me – which I know for a fact, they did.  What does that say?  What does that mean? 

Bothell, WA – October 18th, 5:05AM (back in my own home now).  I received a text message from my nephew.  The same nephew who only a few days ago found a picture of his younger self and younger sister in his suitcase. See below

Text Message my cousin sent me

A text message from my nephew. My younger and

His ex-wife. Not my nephew’s mom. It’s important

to know that.

picture resting on couch (mom’s living room) October 2022
Original picture(digital)

New Home – Bothell WA RIP Mary Linder

The day the dimes began appearing (from the book The Bothell Hell House by Keith Linder)

Fall 2014

Another phenomenon taking place in the house while we waited for the priest to get back to us was an instance that involved the appearance of dimes.  One night I accidentally dropped my piggy bank jar on the floor while adding more dimes. I cursed aloud for being so clumsy. I was upset – coins went everywhere. A few days after that happened, I began finding a dime in various parts of the house. Not several dimes. One dime, nothing more. As with the other objects appearing out of nowhere, these dimes began appearing in open places throughout the house. The only difference now is this: these dimes are always in my immediate path. I could be taking a shower, and upon stepping out of the stall, bam! There, on the floor, near my wet feet, is a dime. There was no dime here earlier.  I soon began seeing a dime just about everywhere I went—on the staircase, driveway, seat of the car, driver, and passenger side.  One dime, that’s it.  It took a while for me to notice how weird this was. What got my attention was the day I decided to work from home.

I had set up my workstation in the kitchen. I needed a break, so I got up and went upstairs. There at the base of the landing, was this dime. Since I was heading to my office, I thought I might as well pick this dime up and put it in the piggy bank. I remember looking at the dime and reading what year it was made before dumping it into my glass jar. It read: nineteen sixty-nine. Hmmm, that is the year I was born. A few minutes later, I was leaving my office and heading back downstairs. There at the base of the landing, again, was another dime. I just walked by here minutes ago. There was no dime here. The only dime that was here was the dime that I picked up. That dime now resides in my piggy bank. Where did this second dime come from? I pick it up, and I am thinking, please let it not read nineteen sixty-nine. Sure, enough, that’s exactly what it read—nineteen sixty-nine. I thought to myself, crap! These bitches are playing with me.

I then turned around to face the direction of the hallway. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out: are you responsible for these dimes around the house? Are you watching me when I pick up these dimes? If you are watching me, can you make a dime appear? Silence. I circled the floor with my eyes in the hope of a new dime appearing. Let me try one last time. If you are watching me, if you are responsible for me finding these dimes on the floor, I want you to make one appear right now. I dare you to make a dime appear right now.

I kid you not, in the time it took for me to blink my eyes, dimes began falling from the direction of the ceiling. I say that because I saw them fall from above my head, from above my upper peripheral vision. About three dollars’ worth.  All at the same time. Nothing else afterward, just a hallway littered with dimes. I do not remember inspecting each dime to see if it read nineteen sixty-nine. All I remember is how weird the experience was. The inexplicable appearance of one dime being found in various parts of the house, or my car for that matter, never happened again.

The Bothell Hell House Wiki

The Bothell Hell House, also known as the [ Washington State Poltergeist Case], or [ Demons in Seattle], is an alleged haunting in [[,_Washington|Bothell, Washington]], in the [[|United States]] from 2012 through 2016. Keith Linder and his girlfriend at the time claimed paranormal activity occurred in the residence. On October 30, 2014, the story was publicized and received international attention.

On May 1, 2012, after obtaining a management position at a healthcare technology company, Keith Linder asked his girlfriend Tina Davis to move in within a new house they discovered on [ Craigslist]. They claimed the day they went to sign the leasing papers was the day the activity started. Keith Linder and Tina Davis were sitting on the living room floor talking when suddenly they heard a ‘kid cough.’ The weirdness increased within days of them moving in. Objects were missing, footsteps coming from areas of the house they weren’t currently occupying. Keith Linder claims he and Tina would go downstairs in the morning and find all their kitchen cupboards open. The biggest unexplained event was the appearance of items neither Keith nor Tina owned. Linder claims he and Tina would wake up and find female jewelry and kid toys spread throughout the house. Neither of them has kids. The waking up and discovering every kitchen cabinet door opened and appearance of items neither of them owned would continue after a home security system was installed. What makes the Bothell case of interest to researchers is that no adolescents were living in the home, the black-like tar substance that materialized multiple times on the wall in Keith Linder’s office. According to Linder (See [ Poltergeist – The Night of Physics]), the black oil, which was later determined to be [[|Bone Char aka Bona Black]], materialized from the construct of the home itself. The attacks Keith, at times his friends, would experience away from home. Other claims by Keith and Tina include:

2012 – objects were thrown, e.g., pottery, ironing board, iron, barstool. Levitating plants, door slams, missing silverware, Tina’s missing jewelry, phantom footsteps, equipment malfunction, missing car keys, popping sounds, lights turning off and on by themselves, lights turning on and off by themselves, television turning off and on by itself, female apparition “gray lady” sighting. Missing Bible.

2013 – Linder claims the activity started tapering off fall of 2012 and came to a complete stop in January 2013. Linder states he still felt uneasy about the house. A feeling of being watched never subsided. Linder notes that in the summer of 2013, he became a beta tester for the [[|Xbox 360]] console unit, which included the first-ever [[|XBox Kinect]]. While monitoring Linder’s gaming behavior onsite, Microsoft engineers picked up shadowy figures – softball-size floating black orbs on the Kinect prototype that they and developers at [[|Microsoft Headquarters]] could not explain.

2014 – On January 2, 2014, Linder fell down the stairs, resulting in a right torn [ patellar-tendon]. Linder claims the activity returned soon after that. Small, medium, large objects being thrown, e.g., pottery, ironing board, iron, barstool. Levitating plants, door slams, phantom footsteps, equipment malfunction, popping sounds, lights turning off and on by themselves, lights turning on and off by themselves, television turning off and on by itself, female apparition “white lady” sighting. Missing bible – returned on fire, 2nd bible went missing off the upstairs book stairs bookshelf – discovered minutes later in the kitchen badly scorched. 3rd bible badly scorched, spontaneous fires, including a [ ‘Final Fantasy Advent Children’ poster], two computer monitors in Linder’s office, smoke, and smoldering, cigar-shaped burn marks began appearing on Linder’s clothing while he was wearing. Linder claims he had no idea that his clothes were on fire until Tina frantically yanked off his shirt. Linder and Tina reached out to Seattle and Bothell Catholic Church for assistance. Assistance was given. Linder claims the activity would subside for several days after the church involvement, including blessing the home, holding communion, and prayer. Linder states the Catholic Church was reluctant to assist because Keith and Tina weren’t Catholic. It was not until the poster caught fire that resulted in the local fire department coming to the house to extinguish a fire in Linder’s office that the Church felt it was time to get involved. It should be noted that the fire department could not determine the root cause. That summer was when the wall-writings began to appear. From spring to late fall, Keith and Tina would arrive home from work and discover their house was ransacked. The home security was still in ‘arm mode.’ No sign of breaking and entering. The upside-down cross, 666, Upside Down Man wall writings began appearing during this time.

== Controversy ==
[[|Ghost Adventures]] involvement – Ghost Adventures came wind of Keith and Tina’s ordeal after their chief researcher [ Dave Schrader] contacted reporter [ Elisa Jaffe] at Seattle [ KOMO] news. Elisa, not Keith, and Tina wanted Dave Schrader’s assistance after experiencing her own paranormal event at the Bothell house. Most people who report ghost activity are often viewed as attention seekers by skeptics. Linder has made it known during interviews that Ghost Adventures contacted him and Tina first. Not the other way around. The vetting process, if it can be called that, was a ten-minute conversation over the phone. The Ghost Adventures crew arrived in November 2014 to investigate. The investigation from start to finish was five hours. “[ Demons in Seattle],” first aired on February 28, 2015, would become one of Ghost Adventure’s most controversial episodes. The episode was one of the few episodes since the shows airing where the investigative team led by Zak Bagans left with no evidence. Linder claims the episode the way it was pieced together and edited makes it appear that he and Tina were exaggerating or hoaxing it all. Even though hoaxing was never uncovered. According to Linder. He and Tina were put in a hotel while the team conducted their investigation, something the show refer to as “the lockdown.” House occupants are moved offsite while the team works inside the home alone. They make it appear as if they’re locked inside. After reviewing the episode, several parapsychologists say removing Keith and Tina from the scene was not well thought out. ‘Evidence from previous poltergeist investigations suggest the probability of capturing evidence is higher when the house occupants are present.’ According to Linder, the only way the Ghost Adventures team could save face was by putting Keith and Tina in a negative light. When the show first aired on February 28, 2015, the reaction from fans and a portion of the paranormal community was adverse. Tina was called the ‘demon lady’ on multiple Ghost Adventure social media pages.

2015 – Keith and Tina break up. Linders mentions in his book The Bothell Hell House – Poltergeist of Washington State three reasons for their breakup centered around infidelity accusations leveled at him from Tina. The way she was portrayed on the “Demons in Seattle” episode and the conjecture and supposition from paranormal teams and the Catholic Church as to what was causing the activity.

== Investigations ==
Spring 2015 – a paranormal team led by [ Nicole Novelle] reached out to Linder with the hopes of finding out more information about the case. After conducting a series of interviews with Keith Linder, witnesses, and other paranormal teams local to the area, the teams ask Linder if it’s ok to monitor the house using CCTV cameras. Something known as remote viewing. All the investigators are located primarily on the east coast. The investigative team was Nicole “Nikki” Novelle, Jenn Berman, [ Karissa Hartley], [ Dominick Valerio], and [ Vanessa Hogle]. A comprehensive house-monitoring system was set up, which involved constant home surveillance for eight months. Each team member took turns monitoring the house. Linder says it was agreed at the beginning of the investigation that the team would then fly to Seattle and live in the home if enough evidence were found. ‘No one would believe the house was haunted based on just video footage. Nikki and her team, through remote monitoring, captured loud bangs, phantom footsteps, equipment failure, equipment manipulation, screams, popping noises, apparition sighting, unexplained voices. The investigation had reached the next phase. Nicole Novelle and Karrissa Hartley arrived in late January 2016. The things they witnessed while living in the Bothell house for three and a half weeks include phantom footsteps, loud bangs, doors opening by themselves, disembodied heartbeat coming from within the mattress, mattress indentations, strange voices, equipment failure, equipment manipulation, shadow figure, and supporting.

Fall 2015 – The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology led by parapsychologist [ Steve Mera] who lived in the United Kingdom, learned of the Bothell house after receiving an email from Keith Linder. After putting Linder through a series of interviews, tests, evaluations, which last over four months. Mera felt the time was right for him and his assistant to visit Bothell, Washington. Parapsychologists Steve Mera and his chief assistant [ Don Phillips] arrived in January 2016. The things they witnessed while living in the Bothell house for six days include phantom footsteps, doors opening by themselves, strange voices, equipment failure, equipment manipulation, and apporting. Linder asked The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology team to return to the Bothell after the activity in the house showed signs of increasing. Mera felt it appropriate to bring back a neutral investigator, ‘someone who could critique their work ethic, evaluate their findings through a conservative lens.’ Nick Kyle, then president of [ The Scottish Society for Psychical Research], Steve Mera, and Don Phillips lived in the house for eight days. Parapsychologists Steve Mera and his team, while there through listening devices, captured a total of 523 unexplained voices. A majority were conversations of unknown origins.

== Documentary ==
[ Demons in Seattle Uncovered (Full documentary)]
Released on YouTube September 2019. The documentary is a comprehensive look at the investigation Steve, Don, and Nick conducted while living in the Bothell for a total of two and a half weeks.

== Previous Tenants ==
Rhonda Lee Jimenez – In the summer fall of 2014, Linder was able to reach (see The Bothell Hell House, Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two) a family that lived in the Bothell home 2008:2009. The wife, Rhonda, admitted her family had similar activity the short time they were living in the Bothell home. The activity they experienced included phantom footsteps, door slams, electronic malfunction, equipment malfunction, shadowy figure sightings, feeling of being watched, suicidal thoughts, waking up in the morning, and discovering every kitchen cabinet door open. Rhonda said her addiction to alcohol, depression, suicidal thoughts, and three suicidal attempts began when they moved into the house. According to her, “it was the beginning of the end in that place.” Rhonda successfully [ committed suicide] Tuesday, August 15, 2016, by walking in front of a moving train in Missoula, Montana.

Part 2 Interview  Bothell Poltergeist: KEITH LINDER

What – Are – You – Afraid – Of: Part 2 Interview  Bothell Poltergeist:

Keith Linder, author of The Bothell Hell House: Poltergeist of Washington State, is back for part two of his interview with authors T. Fox Dunham & Phil Thomas. For years, spirits tormented Keith and his girlfriend with the destruction of furniture, stealing objects, manifesting as old women and even igniting bibles in self-contained fires. Keith shares additional insights on his violent and paranormal experiences and also talks about his rocky relationships with paranormal investigators who all offered different and myriad explanations for the activity in his home. English folk singer David Walton narrates a story written by Keith about the poltergeist—5th Anniversary—and we play a little music from Pueblo People. The Bothell Poltergeist is one of the most controversial and interesting cases of in modern history. Hear the rest of Keith’s story as Fox & Phil aid in his quest to find an explanation for the violent phenomenon in his previous home.

5th Year Anniversary November 1st 2014 Poltergeist Attack

5th Year Anniversary November 1st 2014 Poltergeist Attack

November 1st, 2014 after mid-night Tina and I came home to discover our home has once again been ransacked by the poltergeist currently infesting our home. Kitchen cabinet doors were all left open. The kitchen chairs had been re-assembled some aligned into a triangle like position. The kitchen chair I sit in the most was pulled out and inexplicably facing the living room TV. This is the 3rd or 4th time that has happened. With the exception of water puddles (see below) and maybe the bar stool (the one I sit in the most) which was one of the 1st things, I saw upon entering my home – it was now sitting on top of the kitchen island counter top. 3 to 4 feet off the ground. Nothing else was horrible shocking. Tina and I had needed a break from the previous night attacks, therefore, we decided not to be home Halloween night. Too much had happened the previous nights. Imagine coming home and finding all your kitchen cabinets doors open. The contents of the cupboards emptied at times. Wine rack emptied – all the bottles scattered or neatly aligned on the kitchen floor. More shocking? Imagine coming home (multiple times mind you) over a period of eight months and finding both couch and love seat turned upside down. Sometimes partially. Most of the times completely upside down. The security system you had installed months prior (to rule out burglar or home invasion) hasn’t been tripped or altered in any way. The log the system keeps (stored on the internet mind you) shows the last person to enter and leave the home was you – hours prior. The cameras show the same thing. THE STORY GETS WORSE. After surveying the melee and destruction downstairs I decided to head upstairs. The jury will forever be out on which portion of our home was attacked the most. Upstairs or downstairs? My office however (4th bedroom in the house) holds the record as being the most dangerous room in the house. Tonight would be no exception. I stepped into my office and saw what I’ve been seeing for quite some time. Utter destruction. Identical to the destruction downstairs with the only exception being inexplicable wall-writings. I was advised by the local Catholic Church and other houses of God to paint over the wall markings as soon as they appeared. Today’s wall markings were different. A new substance was used. I found out two years later (because I had the substance tested myself) that this black oily substance was Bone Black aka Bone Char aka Bone Ash. Not easily or readily available in any paint store in the world. Like I said that revelation came two years later. Majority of poltergeist cases speak of what I just described i.e. the destruction of the home happening while the home occupants are present. Tina and I have experienced both. We’ve seen hell erupt right before our eyes. The majority of the time and this is important (to the researcher reading this) the destruction has happened while we’re away. Tonight is a perfect example of that. There are four things I remember about this particular night/morning more than anything else. #1 the water puddles on the floor. This is new. The droplets of water, numerous and sizable were found on the wooden floor (in the kitchen) between wine rack and kitchen table, very close to the kitchen chair I sit in which once again had been pulled out and turn towards the TV. #2 A wine book resting on the kitchen table – this book wasn’t ours? #3 And this is very shocking and unnerving to me it relates to #4 so here goes. I make a point to document everything that happens in our house. I keep a written diary and a video diary. After video recording all the damage and inexplicable destruction done I was exhausted. My exhaustion I have no doubt is what led to my error in judgement. The 1st thing I do after I record something is back up everything to the cloud. Videos get uploaded to YouTube. I decided to go to bed (sleep on the couch) instead of backing everything up. I put my video camera a few inches of me and was out like a light. When I woke up a few hours later I realized immediately after waking up that my video camera was gone. It’s still missing to this day. The video you’re about to see came from my cell phone. It’s a shorter version of everything I just described. The video camera I used the 1st time. The one that’s still missing has over 30 minutes of video footage. I told Tina this before – now I’m telling you. When I walked through my front door that night I felt like I was interrupting something. A huge feeling of being watched took over. Everything I just mentioned and described (my gut) tells me happened within minutes of us coming home. What do I base that on besides intuition? All the wall markings up until now have happened in one room and one room only. My office. Not anymore. Tina and I found a black oily substance identical to the substance in my office. We found this substance in the upstairs hallway near the bookshelf. The squiggly and squirrely black marks are identical except for one huge exception. Their partially done. They appear incomplete. Its as if something or someone interrupted that portion of wall-writing from being completed. That, someone, was Keith and Tina. See photo posted here.WALL


Poster Fire – The Bothell Hell House

Spring 2014 –  Not that many poltergeist survivors can say they witnessed seeing a poltergeist flee the scene of the crime.  By crime I mean arson.  I can. One of the most horrifying events I faced while living in the Bothell home was the day the poster caught fire in my office. RECAP – Tina and I had witnessed a lot of activity in the weeks leading up to the poster catching fire. I am talking about bar stools being thrown. Our bedroom light was going off and turned back on by itself in the middle of our sleeping. Loud bags. Loud footsteps. Door slams, and yes, one bible catching fire. All of that happened within a week of the story I am about to tell. The advice given to us by friends and family was to smudge the house. The internet said the same thing. ‘Smudging lessens the activity.’  Let me tell you, smudging never lessened the activity. Not in our house. It made it worse. This story is proof of that. The night before the poster caught fire, I asked Tina if she would feel comfortable smudging the house. Tina is an excellent smudge person. Tina’s more thorough than me; she smudges every nook and cranny. The next day we woke up and got ourselves ready for work. Nothing unusual about that morning except the house was still smelling like burnt sage. Which I thought was good. Your house should smell like sage if you smudged the night before. I later found out that smudging before going to bed is dangerous. Extremely dangerous! I compare smudging before going to bed to kicking open a fire-ant bed before having a picnic.

Tina and I got up that morning and did what we always do. We got ready for work. The feeling of being watched had lessened. Thirty-odd minutes later of us waking up, Tina walks up to me and kisses me goodbye. Now it is just me in the house. The only thing on my mind right now is beating Seattle traffic. I got to get out of this house and get to work. A few minutes after I stepped into the shower, it happened. The devil arrived. Every fire alarm in the house starts going off. I am standing in the doorway of my bathroom, half dried off, thinking, oh shit, it is happening. I knew right then, and there something was up. I did not know what specifically, not yet anyway. Something is up, though, and it is not good. I remember running through the master bedroom and reaching our bedroom doorway. And that is when  I saw it. I feel a large mass run right by me. I cannot see what ran past me. I can only feel it. It was huge. Taller than me. Wider than me.

All I could hear, besides the fire alarms going off, was this loud stomping sound. My eyes and ears turned towards the direction of the stomping noise and followed it downstairs suddenly; the front door of the house opens wide and slams shut. That is it. The door just opens wide on its own and slams shut. That is when my brain says give chase, Keith, give chase. I am thinking, give chase to whatI still have not determined if someone was in the house. I have not seen anything. The door just opened and closed on its own. What am I chasing?

So, I do what my brain says. I run down the stairs and reach the front door. I should be able to get a good glimpse of the intruder as he is leaving the house. I throw my hand on the front doorknob, and nothing happens. The front door does not open. Correction – the front door does not budge — not even a centimeter. I must have fought with the doorknob for about two seconds before realizing that I had a fire to deal with. Smoke is billowing from my office upstairs. I run to my office, and there it is, ladies and gentlemen. There is the fire. The wall behind my computer desk is on fire – the poster specifically. How many seconds have transpired between the fire alarm going off and where I am standing now? Hmm, thirty seconds. The first thing I do to kill the fire is toss my damp towel over it. The fire did not put up a fight – it was gone.

I turn and run downstairs again. The house is filled with smoke. I get to the front door and try to open the front door again. Nothing? The door will not budge. This is the same door I saw open less than a minute ago. The doorway felt like it has been welded shut. The fire alarms are still wailing in the background. I can taste the chemicals from my burnt poster in my mouth and nostrils. And that is when it dawned on me. The house is not the one under attack. I am. Think carefully about Keith; the next few decisions could be your last. What are you going to do?

I was in shock at this stage because I remember the events vaguely at this point. Suddenly I am on the phone with the 911 operator. I am screaming to her that my house is on fire. She is maintaining her level of professionalism – asking me in a calm voice, “what’s my address?”    Every time I utter my address through the phone, enormous amounts of static breaks out. I am talking about loud electrical interference. We go through this “I can’t hear you, can you repeat your address” routine for about thirty seconds. Finally, she gets my address and, in doing so, lets me know that the fire department is on the way. I hang up and call Tina. Thank God she answers. Tina can hear the fire alarms screaming through the phone. I blurt out to her come back home, come back home, the house is under attack! I hang up.

The front door, for reasons I cannot explain, finally opened. It opened within seconds of the fire department arriving. How ironic. The firemen dart in and, at my urging, proceed up towards the office.  They said I did a good job putting the poster fire out. Tina runs into the house a minute after they arrived and grabs me. I was half naked and shaking like a leaf because all I could remember was Tina throwing blankets over me. I am shivering and shaking like a wet puppy. I am not afraid to admit that I was crying and quivering like a baby. You would have thought somebody had doused me in a tub of ice water. Cubes and all. That is how cold I was.

The fire department never could determine what caused the fire. Tina and I knew. This is the second fire incident we have experienced. NOTE: there will be two more fire incidents in that house in the coming weeks. When the fire department left, all Tina and I had now was each other. The demons who did this are still here — there snickering at us. Whatever ran past me in the upstairs hallway had to have been the ringleader. I’ll always remember what I felt as it ran past me.  Evil. Diabolical evil.   Neither one of us could think of a solution to our problem. The only thing left to do now is to contact the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church that up this point has been ignoring us – giving us the runaround. That is the only logical thing to do now, right? Who else can help us? Tina and I looked at each other and reached the same conclusion. We are marching down to the local parish office. We are not leaving till someone sees us.

The Bothell Hell House:  Poltergeist of Washington State

By Keith Linder

The Bothell (Hell) House: Poltergeist of Washington State – living with a ghost

Original Post can be found here


The Bothell (Hell) House: Poltergeist of Washington State – living with a ghost

Revisiting Keith Linder and his eye-opening encounter with a very active poltergeist. Keith has completed the book about his experience. Available now, The Bothell House. on Amazon

Local recap and endorsement via The Bothell Reporter.

Poltergeists are so far beyond the pale that many of the so-called paranormal experts are challenged when called upon to quantify or validate the occurrence. Unfamiliar territory. One cannot get answers by simply sticking a toe in the water. And they do know how to play … invisible …

Understanding the enigma requires immersion and a 24/7 time commitment. A better word choice might be ‘confirming’. The word ‘understanding’ is a bit naïve. Every situation is unique.

Keith Linder soon discovered resources and experts were scarce. Many he turned to for help challenged his sincerity and his honesty. It was too extreme, too dramatic and over the top.

He was forced to do his own homework. In his corner, prior residents who corroborated the dark nature of the house. That life-line allows any who suggest this is just a cock and bull fairytale to find another patsy. The house has a nature unto itself. It can be quiet.

The Bothell (Hell) House,
Keith Linder – Amazon

But when it wants to play – the game puts the corporeal world on notice:
Do your own homework.
Don’t threaten
Don’t attack.
Don’t pretend.
Don’t lie.

It isn’t the bite that hurts, it’s the kickback – when you least expect.

What does Keith say he would not repeat? From the YouTube vid:

“It should be said here by me that the biggest mistake
I made was going out and buying more cameras.
Cameras, DVR’s, wifi video cams, etc were erected throughout the house.

Camera’s exemplify attention and cameras symbolize challenging it. You cannot or should not challenge a malevolent entity. Days, weeks and months after this event activity spiked.”

Thanks to Keith for the valuable tips and the list of resources he refers for how-to and how-not-to deal with the most energetically intense and emotionally tweaking extreme of paranormal manifestations: a poltergeist.

Bottom line. One thing that didn’t survive the roller coaster, the relationship. Maybe you have never encountered anything close to this situation but you may know or meet someone who has. If so, withhold judgment. Keith has done an excellent job of laying out the framework and retelling the tale in a way that the pitfalls and wrong turns are more apparent.

And he offers sound advice to anyone who would prefer to avoid that situation.

Follow Keith for more of the story – This is book one.
Home Page Demons in Seattle
Audiobook teaser. YouTube