Monthly Archives: October 2023

The Bothell Hell House – Who’s watching me?

One of the most often asked questions I receive about the Bothell house is, “What was my scariest moment?” What was the most horrific event? The answer I usually give is the incident where my poster caught fire see –> Chapter 15, The Bothell Hell House. But in truth, it is hard to answer questions like that because there were so many things that happened that terrified me and Tina. Considering all the different variables that go into a poltergeist haunting, it is hard to quantify which event is number one. The poster incident reigns supreme for the simple fact it involved fire; it involved locking me inside my house – a case of paranormal false imprisonment, if you will. Include the electric interference I had to deal with while on the phone with the 9-1-1 operator, and you start to understand why I list it as number one. The list of the most horrific activity in the Bothell house is endless. It varies. What I can tell you is that many activities I experienced while living in the Bothell house have been overlooked and ignored. The three burning bibles, wall writings, our appearance of Ghost Adventures, and all the revealed things during that episode have taken center stage. That’s unfortunate.

Before I share this story, I need to paint a picture of where I was in my relationship with Tina and talk about the darkness I was living in. The relationship, in all senses and purposes, was over. Tina and I are essentially roommates; by roommates, I mean we share a roof, not a bed. January 2015 – neither one of us wants to call it quits. Neither one of us wants to be the first to say goodbye. We are not even making eye contact anymore. Those pillow talks we had before we fell asleep. Gone. Dinner together? Not anymore. Joint social outings? Gone. The kisses we gave each other before leaving for work or arriving home have stopped. As depressing and sad as it was internally (for me), it was also a moment where I was furious. I’m angry at Tina. I felt she abandoned me. She abandoned the united front we had. Tina refused to understand that the female jewelry she was finding and sex with other women innuendos were the product of the poltergeist, not me. The spirits in the house knew this. They were successful in separating us romantically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and physically. The only chance Tina and I had of beating this was to remain united. The idea of me cheating on her created a wedge between us. Metaphorically – that wedge put me on an island by myself. I was now easy pickings. Now, the poltergeists can focus on me. And that is precisely what they did. The die is cast.

The Darkness – I was attacked from mid-November to late February 2015. Tina and I, on occasion, would sleep in different bedrooms. That is one example of how our physical relationship was deteriorating. Tina knew the activity had switched to just happening around me and, therefore, could go about her daily routine. Iron, ironing board, and candles encased in glass are hurled at me the second I lay down, making sleeping impossible. Understand there is not a moment where Tina and I are in the house where I am not being attacked. There is no such thing as hyperbole when describing what a poltergeist attack is like. When a spirit decides to center ALL activity in and around you have entered a dangerous phase. You contemplate suicide as a viable option for ridding yourself of the activity. The world you live in becomes small. Every day I walk through the front door of my house after work, the lights flicker off and on or on and off, depending on which room I’m in. The chair I sit in when eating dinner in the dining room has been inexplicably relocated to my office, sometimes with a note that reads ‘Die KL.’ How did my kitchen chair or bar stool get past the ADT motion sensors?
I am sitting in my office, trying to have some semblance of an ordinary evening, when suddenly objects, small, medium, and large, come flying in. Imagine a chef knife being thrown at you. Imagine it being thrown at you multiple times. How about a beer bottle? How about a cologne bottle? Candles encased in thick glass resting on a bookshelf are harmless. Those same candles hurled at you or in your vicinity at incredible speeds. Very dangerous. Oh, you want to watch TV? Good luck with that. The TV in my office is cut off and on. The channels turn by themselves. The internet, the main tool I use to research my predicament, constantly fails. The WIFI is failing. The computer reboots or locks up constantly. And then it happened—that horrific morning.

I had a rough night. Do you know the game musical chairs? How about musical bedrooms? The attacks on me had become so frequent while I was trying to sleep that I had to get up and switch bedrooms. That used to buy me and Tina a day or two of no activity. Not anymore. Now, it just buys me a few hours. Where poltergeists are concerned, you take what you can get. This morning, I could not sleep. I was looking up at the ceiling when the lamp to my left suddenly flew across the room. That was my signal to get up finally. Get the fuck out of this house, Keith, is what my brain was telling me. Tina, bless her heart, had not moved a muscle. The noise did not even make her budge. The time it took to shower and shave, pack my suitcase for my business trip, grab my laptop bag, and touch the front door had to have been less than thirty minutes. I was in a hurry. I’m shaking with fear. I felt evil in the air. I felt the darkness. That moment where the predator is about to snag its prey. That was me. I was the prey. I was being haunted. The feeling of being watched was intense. How intense? You are about to find out. There is something about the feeling of being watched, some instinct embedded in human beings. Be it an inner sense (spider-sense, if you will), or better still, a disturbance in the Force—you feel it, and when you feel it, you know it is true. You know something’s trying to tell you something. One thing I view as a gift and a curse is my ability to sense certain things before they happen. I have always had enhanced intuition. My encounter with these entities seems to have sharpened it. What is weird, if not scary, is that the entities also know it. I am talking about my high sense of awareness. The entities are exploiting it. Or, at times, become a victim to it. This intuition, instinct, or whatever you want to call it, deserves attention. Ignore it at your peril. Not me. Not today. I have made multiple trips from my office to my car. I was loading up my belongings in the trunk of my car when something told me to turn around. Turn around, Keith Linder. Something is looking at you. Something’s been watching you ever since you got up. Turn around right now, look up at your office window, look up right now. My intuition is giving me orders. Turn around! And I did. I turned away from the trunk of my car and looked up, and guess what I saw? My inner voice was correct. The light in my office was off. It should not be. I just walked out of that room twenty seconds ago. There was no reason for that light to be off—I was coming back to that room to get some more things. Wait a minute? Someone is in my room. The Venetian blind is pierced open—like someone was peeking through. And that is when it happened. Right before my eyes, as I looked up at my office window from my driveway, the Venetian blinds – the two blades pierced open (see pics below) slowly closed. Someone or something was peeking through the blinds, looking dead at me. The timing could not have been more perfect. Deductive reason immediately kicks in at an alarming pace. Who’s on the other side of that window? Who is in my office? OMG, someone is in the house with Tina! Tina’s asleep! Why is the light in my office off? Something just lowered the blind in my office. Could that be the Gray Lady? Was this a minion? It must be the spirit that threw the lamp off the drawer a few minutes ago. Why else would it be watching me? I should leap in my car and drive off. Drive, Keith, get to SeaTac, your hotel, and sleep. Those questions run through my head as I stand outside in my driveway. I cannot leave right now. Tina’s inside the house. We might not be on the best terms right now, but I must save her. So, I run back into the house, passing our bedroom (using my peripheral vision, I see that Tina is still sleeping in the same position), and reach my office, thinking Tina’s not in the hallway. To the person reading this – this is going to sound weird. I would have preferred to have caught Tina coming out of the office vs. what I am about to find, which is nothing. I got to my office to confirm that the lights were indeed off. I walked out of this office a minute ago. My heart is pitter-patting. Not because I ran up the stairs at lightning speed. No! I am frightened. I just saw two of my Venetian blinds open and close while standing next to my car. An invisible hand between two blinds implied someone or something was peeking through my office window. Looking down at me from the second floor – from inside my office. The most horrific part of this ordeal (and there are many) was when the two Venetian blinds(blades) narrowed and closed, implying whoever was looking at me knew I was about to rush back into the house or that they were done looking at me. I left the house ten minutes later, heading straight to the airport. The message I got from whoever it was behind those Venetian blinds was, ‘Don’t worry, Keith, we’ll be here when you get back.’