The Musings of a Poltergeist Survivor

John 16:12
I have many things to say to you, but ye cannot bear them now.

One of the claims I made in my book The Bothell Hell House that the paranormal community hasn’t dove deeper into, and by deeper into, I mean ask me to provide more details about the attacks I experienced outside the Bothell house. That includes the incident where Tina and I were attacked simultaneously in two locations. But, more extraordinary than that, a “geist” attack my friend had to fend off in multiple locations, which regrettably brought about their divorce – husband’s from out of nowhere nervous breakdown, her son’s shocking prediction about me that came true. Their house in Hawaii that neighbors swore up and down was being lived in, only to find out it was not. I’ve hinted at these things. But no one’s asked me to elaborate on the lesser-known claims Tina and I have made, which include the never shared accounts of my family; that’s right, my immediate family’s unexplained events that occurred while Tina and I were still living in the Bothell house: some took place after I moved out. In my opinion, these incidents redefine everything we think we know about poltergeists, which might explain why no one’s asked me.

These events, combined with the other events I include in my three books, should put to bed the current theory being propagated about the origin of “geist” activity, which is poltergeist activity, if true is the result of some turmoil in the home, some repressed emotion involving a female, i.e., adolescent female, child or human being. One of history’s most arguable poltergeist cases can be narrowed down to celebratory events 1.) My recent job promotion 2.) Tina was moving in with me into a new house neither of us was currently living in. I want to be clear about the events Tina and I experienced, and my family and friends, for that matter. There’s more data about the activity people have experienced throughout millennia that supports a third-party entity or entity’s existence. Something sentient vs. something Psi related. What makes the Bothell case different from past and present cases will be revealed in this document. I’ve researched thousands of poltergeists’ cases, past and present. I’ve yet to find a case where the occupant(s) of the home experienced similar attacks outside the home as well as their friends and family. I’m not talking about next-door neighbors or casual acquaintances. Most poltergeist cases go unreported, so I’m sure there are similar stories to mine. I’m referring to the cases that are published. I’ve yet to find a case where the occupant’s friend or family member experienced “strong” poltergeist-related activity, a sort of guilt-by-association. Some of the things my friends experienced surpass what we witnessed in the Bothell house. Are you ready? Before I talk about them. Let me share the most horrific event I encountered outside the Bothell house.

Summer 2014 – The Davenport Hotel, located in downtown Spokane WA. You could say this was the period in the Bothell house where the activity was at or near its apex. Tina and I are suffering daily attacks, so much so that I started viewing my business trips as vacations. A time out, if you will, from the phantom onslaughts. When you start preferring a cramped hotel room over your bedroom at home, that’s when you know you’re being tormented beyond measure. But that’s where I was mentally at that time. Any hotel I stay at on business trips has become my safe house. My place of refuge. My place of Zen. Or so I thought. It happened on the third night of my stay at the hotel. I’m in a deep sleep when the comforter suddenly gets yanked off me. And when I say yanked off me, I mean yanked off me. Think drill sergeant arriving in the military barracks at 4 AM and yanking the sheets off a private. That’s how abrupt it was. I wake up immediately and see the sheets that were once on me are now lying on the floor a few feet away.

The room is pitch black. Was someone in the room with me? Of course not. All I could do was turn on some lights, rise from my bed and survey the room, waltz over to where the bedsheets were lying, pick them up, and return to bed. I’m frightened. Where is this going? What’s going to happen next? I don’t know how long it took me to fall asleep again, but I eventually did – but not before replaying the previous evening. I remember my laptop rebooting on its own several times throughout the night. I couldn’t explain it. I remember having so many problems with the hotel’s WIFI that I had to call downstairs and complain. A technician arrived minutes later to investigate, and like the equipment malfunction happening in the Bothell house, the technician could not find or explain the root cause. The WIFI was working fine in every room except mine. Looking back on it now, those events, in their totality, reveal I was not alone. This leads to my 2nd story – later that morning.

I woke up again at 7 AM the next day and saw my cell phone was off. Fully charged, but off. I didn’t turn it off before I went to bed. Doing so would violate the agreement Tina and I when it came to either of us traveling, which is to keep our mobile phones fully charged and accessible. It upset me to see my phone was off. After the phone powered up, all these text messages came pouring in. The first text message, at 2 AM, read:

• The door slammed in Kim’s room—Kim didn’t hear it or even wake her up. Call me! No answer.
• Minutes later, another text message—loud banging coming from the hallway and loud banging from the guest bedroom—I keep calling Kim, but she won’t answer.

I comb through the other missed text messages and see more missed messages. This one came in a few minutes ago. It reads – loud bangs, loud bangs, Kim was taking a shower, and the door slammed shut on her; we’re leaving! I got Tina’s voicemail every time I called. According to Tina’s morning text messages, it sounded like Tina and Kim were being run out of the house. I finally got a hold of Tina after about the tenth time trying. Tina was on her way to work when she answered. So, what happened? According to Tina.

• A series of bangs and door slams. Kim’s bedroom door slammed shut. Kim didn’t wake up.
• The lights in the hall flickered off and on, followed by more bangs. The bangs kept going throughout the night.
• The bangs and thuds finally woke Kim, and she walked to Tina’s room; they agreed they might as well stay up since the banging was happening.
• Morning came, and Kim left to take a shower. Unfortunately, the bathroom door slammed on her within seconds of her showering. The incident startled them so much that they said, ‘Screw it. Let’s get dressed and get the hell out of here.’

Both ladies were pretty much running for the door. Tina even told me the last banging noise they heard was right when they reached the garage door to leave the house. Kim says to Tina (and I quote): “I’m never coming to your crazy house again.”

There’s a lot to unpack here. It might be difficult but try not to focus on individual events for now. Instead of relying on everything you think you know about the poltergeist, please absorb what I just told you. This was a well-orchestrated attack. In two locations. An attack that spawns several questions and revelations, those being:

• Poltergeists can be in two places at once.
• How many spirits are we talking about here?
• Spirits work in tandem.
• Spirits can follow you.

These attacks Tina, Kim, and I experienced while I was on a business trip speak to a level of spying, observation, coordination, premeditation, communication, group thinking (among the spirits), teamwork, vexation, stalking, harassment, and manipulation. So, that’s me being attacked 400+ miles from the Bothell house; within the same time frame, Tina and her best friend Kim are harassed and attacked. This will not be the last time I was attacked while traveling on business. As mentioned in my first book, The Bothell Hell House, these attacks are like campaigns. There will be other instances where the sheets will be yanked off me while I’m sleeping while home and abroad; I thought it would lessen once I moved out of the Bothell house. It hasn’t. READ – my second book, Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two. Let me detail how my friends were attacked at the height of me and Tina’s activity. Tina and I don’t like it, but I can understand or accept my getting attacked elsewhere. Based on ignorance, I assumed that ghosts couldn’t follow you. Now I know they can. But why my friends? Why attack Kim? Some of the things my friends have told me rival anything Tina and I have experienced.

A Triangle of sorts – poltergeist activity happening simultaneously in four locations. Support contagion theory.

Kirkland, WA – Summer 2014 – one night, I got a phone call from my female friend, a real estate attorney. The lights in her kitchen and living room are going off and on in every room upstairs. At the same time, she’s having electrical issues. I’m having difficulty capturing the light show in my upstairs office and guest bedroom using recently bought Foscam cameras. My cell phone rings. It was my attorney. She was freaking out tremendously. I asked her what was happening, and she told me the lights in her house were going off and on like crazy. The way the lights inside her home in Kirkland, WA, were going off and on was identical to how the lights in our house were behaving at that moment. The odds of two homes having the same issue twenty-plus miles away from each other is zilch. Ref. time stamp 4:26

Simultaneous light phenomena in two locations.

Months later, my friend told me about these instances, which I believe led to us becoming estranged. We used to communicate often. Now we don’t communicate at all.

• California Home – I don’t talk about this incident much. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it involves children. Spring of 2014, my friend calls me. I could tell she was frightened and nervous by the tone of her voice. And rightfully so. Her son comes into her bedroom, sits on her bed, and begins telling her about the horrific events happening at Keith and Tina’s house. How could he know that? She’s not confided in him about anything. She asks him, ‘How do you know these things?’ He says, ‘a voice told him.’ Some of you reading, I’m sure, are parents. It would be frightening to hear your child tell you that they hear voices. Not only that, but he knows the goings on at the Bothell house. But it gets worse. When my friend asks her son to explain what he means by voices, he replies the voices he hears ‘comes from under his bed.’ But the most unsettling revelation, if not prophetic, is that the voices told him that ‘they’re not through haunting us(Keith & Tina), they’re just getting started.’ My friend’s son told her during the time the 1st bible re-appeared on fire, days before the infamous Katie Perry Weekend and poster fire incident. As you know from reading The Bothell Hell House, these are, without a doubt, the most horrific events we experienced. It was an activity just about every day for about seven months.

• Kirkland, WA Summer – Fall 2014, my attorney was unloading her groceries one day. She made back-and-forth trips from the car to the kitchen. She returned to the kitchen a few minutes later and discovered half of her groceries were gone. She should have five bags on the table. Instead, she had three. Those missing grocery bags were never found.

• California Home – amid Tina and me fighting for our lives, my female friend (the attorney) tells me about spring-summer 2014 of two unsettling instances.
 Coat hangers were flying out of her bedroom closet—one by one. When I say flying, I mean flinging from the closet – projectile speed to the room’s far corner. This happened on multiple occasions.
 One night while working in her office, my friend is alerted to strange noises from the kitchen. The noise began gradually but picked up in a short time. She rose from her desk area, headed towards the kitchen, and saw corks spread throughout the floor. The popping noise she heard was the sound of corks popping from wine bottles. She then witnessed dozens of corks flying midair – ricocheting off the walls only to finally rest on the floor. This happened multiple times.

• Hawaii home Summer 2014 – my friend arrives in Honolulu to spend a vacation with her children. After seeing her arrive, her next-door neighbor walks over and tells her he ‘could have sworn she had been home.’ My friend, with a look of puzzlement, asks why? He tells her he and his wife have been hearing what he thought was a house party inside her place. For several days, the weekend especially, he and his wife have seen the light go off inside the house, loud music, and commotion, what he described as people being festive. My friend tells him the house is not occupied, no live-in guests whatsoever. He swears up and down; what he hears is so real. So vivid. My friend is even more eager to get into the house to see if it has been vandalized or home wrecked somehow, only to find that it has not. The security system is still on. Nothing is out of place. Nothing is missing. The only thing she noticed was weird was that every kitchen cabinet door was wide open, so she called me. If you read my book The Bothell Hell House, you know I said there were times when I arrived home from work seconds before I stuck my house key in the keyhole of the front door. I could hear sounds coming from the opposite side of the front door. I described it as mass chitter chatter – conversations between multiple people. Other times I’ve walked through the front door and heard a massive commotion. The way the noise sounded suggests I walked in and disturbed something. A mass dart of footsteps – multiple footsteps thundering up the stairs only to fade out as the steps entered the master bedroom or my office. It’s as if I caught whoever was there by surprise.

• The last story I’ll share that my friend told me is the darkest and IMO, brings credence that the entities in our house not only operate as a collective – a groupthink. They wanted to bring about the death of the individuals they encountered. You’ll never convince me otherwise. Remember my fall down the stairs? Remember the EVP parapsychologists Steve Mera and his team captured where an unexplained male voice uttered through Don’s audio recorder, “We pushed Keith downstairs.” Remember Rhonda’s suicide and the events leading up to it? Remember Patty’s attack? The attack on me and Tina when we were in the house alone. The poster fire? Remember the arguments Tina and I had, how I said I felt the day I thought Tina keyed my car? What my first reaction was? My friend told me this story I’m about to tell you fall in that category. The category I call utter destruction. The phase of the haunting where the spirits are trying very hard to get you and your partner to kill each other or get you to kill yourself. My friend blew up my Facebook Messenger one day – she was in panic mode. Her relationship with her husband has taken a severe turn for the worse. Sound familiar? The two share a five-million-dollar home in Beverly Hills; he is a successful business owner, i.e., a financial planner who has become somewhat of a recluse. His hygiene has deteriorated, as well as his dedication to the business he created. All this is happening amid everything I told you about my friend and her children. Amid Tina and I are going through and to some extinct afterward. My friend ended our chat and called me directly. Upon answering, I hear all this commotion in the background. According to her, every light bulb, light fixture, and chandelier inside the home exploded. Glass is everywhere. She’s frantic and hysterical. During all this melee is her husband, who is on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. He’s having visions of killing her, their children, and the people working for him. He’s repeatedly said that he wants them “all dead.” Not before first becoming mentally distant, a recluse inside his own home. My friend doesn’t know what to do precisely. Stay or run? She tells me about her husband, who right now is running outside in the front yard of their house in the early morning hours looking at the Christmas lights dangling off their house and trees in their front yard. He’s dragged a step ladder outside and is attempting poorly. I might add, to yank off the lights off the house and trees. At the same time, lights and electrical outlets explode inside their house. I can hear the melee coming through my friend’s phone. Somehow, we lose connection. After talking to her, I learned she and the neighbors had to dial 9-1-1. Police, ambulance, fire department responded, and the county psychiatric department. Her husband was committed – remember Rhonda’s story? Her nervous breakdown? Re-read Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two. After a few updates, I never heard from my friend again. I knew her four years before the Bothell Hell house, and now I don’t know her at all. I couldn’t tell you where she lived if my life depended on it. It’s like she went into some witness protection program. She broke off communication. She deleted everything – Facebook, her phone number, emails, LINKEDIN, etc. Our mutual friends will occasionally reach out to me asking about her whereabouts, as will I. None of us knows what happened. This is the same friend who, after visiting my house in the spring of 2014 before heading to SeaTac airport, dared the spirits in a laughing manner to interact with her. The same friend who, after reaching (no stops between my house and the airport) SeaTac, noticed that her passport was missing. See The Bothell Hell House – Poltergeist of Washington State Part One.

The Linder Family

2001 – The Linder Family

During the spring-summer 2020 COVID lockdown, I learned that my mom and my twin brother experienced strange events in their homes during and after I moved out of the Bothell house. If you read my second book, Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part Two, you know there were activities that I began experiencing that I never experienced in the Bothell house. It’s like I had completed one phase and having done so, graduated into something new. Something more sensual. More ethereal. During that period, my family began to have “geist” like activity in their homes and, even weirder, began seeing shadowy figures. Meanwhile, the women I date, and co-workers I ride in the vanpool with to work are telling me about events they’re experiencing, e.g., missing car keys (fob), home television turning off and on at will, and more. In the meantime, I’m being visited at night by beings I can only describe as hideous and beautiful in appearance. All of this is detailed in my 2nd and 3rd books.

My younger brother Michael reveals during COVID 2020 lockdown, family members had strange encounters. Info that was purposely kept from me.

My youngest brother Michael, who lives in Memphis, Tennessee, was dealing with personal issues during that time and was making frequent trips to visit my mom in Houston, TX, and our brother in Austin, TX (my fraternal twin). Michael let it be known during our conversations during the COVID nationwide lockdown that our mom saw shadowy figures in the house she lived in. I find it interesting she’s confiding in him and not me. What’s more interesting than that is when she began to see these shadowy figures. It was the same time I was physically transitioning into my second place of residence. My fraternal twin brother Kevin was having nightmares and night terrors and experienced what can only be described as attacks. This was news to me. My mom and I were very close. On average, we talked three times a week. It surprised me to hear this news based on how often we talked. As sad, confused, and disappointed as I was, I understood why she kept this information from me. No mother will increase the burden her son might be facing. In my case, it was the Bothell Hell House. I never told her that’s exactly what I was seeing. It made sense, though. If you happen to be a Poltergeist of Washington State Fellow equivalent of a Technical Fellow (to my knowledge, there’s only one at the time I wrote this), you know there’s an EVP on my YouTube Channel that I captured while I was in Houston, Texas visiting my mom where I asked the question while lying in bed in the middle of the night if there were any spirits present and if yes where are they from? The answer I got was “Bothell.” Where are these shadowy figures appearing? According to my brother, my mom’s bedroom and closet. Understand my mom could never get past chapter one of The Bothell Hell House. My siblings, two brothers and one sister, never read my books. Not counting myself, African Americans don’t like to talk about the paranormal, let alone write a book about it. It’s a touchy subject in many African American households – it should not be discussed unless necessary, which means only with one confident, preferably your minister. My brother visited my mom multiple times a month from 2016 to 2019. This gave him front-row seats to what my claims she was seeing. My mom would call him to investigate what she would describe as a movement out of the corner of her eye. Having never watched the Travel Channel, she described a shadow figure moving about in the bedroom closet. According to my brother, it became an every night occurrence.

These shadowy figures my mom saw out of the corner of her eye (while she watched TV in bed) were the size of a small mammal. Not only did she see them. She heard them. Like Rhona Jimenez (previous tenant of the Bothell house), my mom was very religious. Although Rhonda could substantiate my claims when I met her, she never uttered the words poltergeists, spirits, paranormal, and so on. Neither did my mom. Individuals outside the paranormal community, me included, don’t utter those words. We say ‘shadowy figures’ because that’s precisely what we saw – a shadowy figure. The organic description is given, where demons and poltergeists are concerned, IMO, is the most authentic coming from the mouths of babes. – people like me without prior knowledge of the paranormal or poltergeists. When I confronted my mom about what Michael told me, she tried to deny it; in the end, in a dismissive tone, tried to lessen her story’s value. Michael told me the times he spent the night at our brother’s house – he witnessed what can only be described as a nightmare on steroids. Upon visiting our brother in Round Rock, TX, my younger brother, a highly educated schoolteacher, said he was awakened in the night by screams. Kevin, our brother, was screaming profusely while in what can only be described as a deep sleep. His legs and arms were wailing, suggesting he was fighting off something. I know this description all too well. I was dealing with it days after moving out of the Bothell house, which is the same period, my younger brother Michael visited our brother Kevin’s house – my fraternal twin. I sincerely hope whoever is reading this and absorbing what it is I’m trying to say. Based on everything I said, the paranormal community has a lot of catching up to do.

As a paranormal researcher, dedicated investigator, or parapsychologist, you now have a lot of information to work with. The prayer I say to myself before uploading a new video to my YouTube Channel is and always will be me – I do this for research purposes only. Knowledge like wine tends to improve or degrade with age. However, someone (maybe not now) will find this information useful. I’m hoping that’s the case. I have shared some of my own experiences. I have shared some of my friend’s experiences. I’ve shared members of my family’s experiences. Hopefully, this will help put some silly theories about poltergeist activity to rest. We may not all agree on what to call these entities; in my opinion, what’s more important is understanding their behavior, actions, and capabilities. If the paranormal community focuses on these things, we can advance the field, which I have to say has been stagnating for some time now. Thank you.

References or Required Reading
 What is a Poltergeist? by Geoff Holder
 The Bothell Hell House – Poltergeist of Washington State Part One by Keith Linder
 Attachments – Poltergeist of Washington State Part One by Keith Linder
 Poltergeist Parallels and Contagion
by Darren W Ritson
 Poltergeist – Objects Disappearing Phenomenon by Keith Linder
 The poltergeist that traveled to a Funeral by Keith Linder
 The Kern City Poltergeist: a case severely straining the living agent hypothesis –

3 thoughts on “The Musings of a Poltergeist Survivor

  1. Hi Keith – Speaking from experience – I just realized a recent notification from this blog also triggered a couple of anomalies. 6.27.23 1. EVP noise sounding like .. traffic on the road or wind in the background [white noise] during my traffic reports. 2. The computer screen momentarily flashed a black and white background resembling the TV screen static. Neither of the experiences have happened prior to today. My history with you includes having an outdoor faucet turned on while we were setting up the studio at the station. Fortunately, I found it because I had to return home for your phone number (a first time for that memory lapse) and discovered the water running.

    Just my personal opinion – I suspect others who have these experiences may not track what is happening and/or – avoid or are ‘discouraged/prevented’ from further contact. There may be a reason – [personal safety/spiritual protection] – for that.

    Your case is far from harmless. The entities are attention seeking and may have an agenda beyond what is currently understood regarding the ‘poltergeist’ phenom.


    1. Hi Wendy 🙂

      I occasionally get emails from people(all over the world) who after buying/reading my book or listening to a radio interview I did (usually my LIVE interviews) admit to having activity. They report of objects missing, equipment, electronic malfunction, mood swings, increase dysfunction in the home, pregnancy miscarriage’s and seeing shadowy figures.

      Liked by 1 person

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